14 December 2007

Why Is That Still My Giant?

I exchanged a precious pie-making hour the day before Thanksgiving for a conversation with Giant Foods' consumer affair advisor's assistant, explaining how and why "My Giant" has continued to let me down. My goal, however, was not merely to complain, but to get the chance to make informed suggestions to the regional manager, who filled my request for a phone conversation, committed to quickly righting the wrongs, but declined my offer of a walk through the store.

Three weeks later in this renewed pursuit, I can't understand how it's still business as usual at the Rotunda Giant, with overflowing trash bins, empty shelves, a lack of carts and cashiers, and more (or less, as it were).

Loyalty, convenience, familiarity, and solidarity with the few remaining long-time employees keeps me shopping there against my better judgment. There's no place high up enough the food chain to complain as long as I continue to be a glutton for punishment.

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